Live AMA with Creative Director Steven Sharif

Live AMA with Creative Director Steven Sharif

May 11, 2024
Live AMA with Creative Director Steven Sharif

On May 10, 2024, our our Creative Director, Steven Sharif, did a live Community AMA on the Ashes of Creation Twitch channel with some of the amazing content creators in our community - Jamie Kaos, Sunny from LoreForged, NyceGaming, and Vlhadus!


  • 00:00 Intro
  • 04:35 Guild Tools in Ashes of Creation
  • 08:58 Story Arcs and Player Level
  • 10:21 How Large and Intricate will Dungeons be?
  • 13:54 Size of the Tulnar Civilization
  • 16:07 Customization and Diversity for Tanks and Healers
  • 22:00 Mechanisms Against Node Griefing
  • 26:25 Costs and Benefits of Active Blocking
  • 28:46 Discoverable Dialect in Ashes of Creation
  • 32:01 Trial Quests for Archetypes
  • 34:54 Passive Skills Available to Smaller Guilds
  • 38:09 What is the Intended Time to Kill in PVP?
  • 41:43 What Does Trade Look Like Outside of Economic Nodes?
  • 44:27 What do Different Types of Nodes Look Like and How Many will be in Alpha 2?
  • 46:51 Raid Difficulty with PVP
  • 50:30 Zerging Vs Scaling Difficulty
  • 52:29 Guild Freeholds in Ashes of Creation
  • 54:47 How Does the Rogue Stealth Mechanic Work?
  • 57:19 Flexibility of the Crafting System with Grandmaster Stations
  • 59:09 Weapon Type List and Dual-Wielding
  • 1:02:31 What is the Average Person on Vera's Experience with the Essence?
  • 1:04:43 Outro & Content Creator Plugs

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